Sunday, March 16, 2014

Solid Perfume Development

I have been playing around with a solid perfume base using organic beeswax and jojoba oil for the past few weeks. In the tests to date I have poured the melted beeswax/jojoba into 10 gram aluminum tins, but what I am finding is that the top surface of the perfume is probably too hard, and lower down (1/3 below the surface) it is too soft.

What may be occurring here is a partial gelling effect instead of a homogeneous mixture of the beeswax and jojoba. What should be achieved in the end is homogenous mixture with a melting point that maintains good solidification at our ambient temperatures in Malaysia and at the same time maintains its structure at elevated temperatures expected in normal use.

I will have to run more tests with wider variations of the beeswax: jojoba ratio and also look more closely at my mixing regime and melting temperatures when mixing the beeswax and jojoba. Another factor may be the cooling rates after the 10-gram cans are poured.  For the for each test batch produced, we will need to try them for hardness, and meltability.

 Once the base is sorted, the next tests will involve choosing the fragrance....may be a challenge as the beeswax has a fragrance of its own!!

Dr. Mike Thair

Co-founder and Managing Director
Indochine Natural Sdn Bhd 

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