Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hair Loss

 Dr. Mike, the co-founder of Indochine Natural and the company Managing Director has the following advice on hair loss:

Unfortunately something that most of us have to deal with from time to time is HAIR LOSS. There are a few different types of hair loss caused by a number of medical conditions and genetics, and then those caused by age, environmental conditions, and the use of cosmetics etc. If you have a severe medical condition causing hair loss, then you should seek professional medical advice.

My approach to tackling hair loss is two pronged:


·       vigorously towel drying your hair
·       brushing or combing your hair when it is wet
·       using blow dryers or curling irons on wet hair
·       the use of styling products
·       styling your hair with tight braids, ponytails, and hair extensions.
·       too much hot water can damage the hair.


·       Stick to one shampoo, and avoid those that are not natural so as to avoid adding more and more chemical products to your hair which can cause damage and hair loss.
·       Frequent washing can help keep hair clean and healthy.
·       Try and reduce stress or anxiety as this will lead to physical and mental deterioration, which may cause hair loss.
·       Have a look at your diet. Eating a balanced diet and including fruits and green vegetables can be beneficial for overall health in addition to promoting healthy hair.
·       Most importantly, avoid using chemical shampoo. This can be difficult, as nearly all shampoos these days are complex chemical recipes consisting of detergents, foaming agents, and various colours, synthetic fragrances, and artificial oils to coal and smooth hair.

Indochine Natural is one of the very few companies in the world today that produces all natural shampoo made entirely from natural vegetable oils and without any synthetic additives.

You can check out the Indochine Natural range of shampoo, especially the all-natural ingredients HERE

Indochine Natural shampoo can be purchased from our online shop.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi friends! I am Sharma from Delhi I am telling about my hair fall. Before few months my hair fall was very much and I was so worried about this hair fall. But Thanks to Klinik esthetika to stop my Hair Fall Treatment India.
